凯尔特人拒绝1000万镑报价 坚决留住旗手怜央_英超直播免费
來源: 每日邮报
2024-08-29 16:36
Here we go, ladies and gentlemen! Celtic has turned down a £10 million bid from an unnamed French club for their midfielder Reo Hatate. The Scottish giants are determined to hold on to their key player this summer, following the departure of Matt O'Riley to Brighton for a club-record fee of £25 million. The club has already rejected an approach from Zenit St. Petersburg last month, and the interest from Leicester City seems to have faded away. It appears that Hatate is in no rush to leave, with his contract at Celtic running until 2028. Celtic fans will be delighted to see their talented midfielder staying put for now.
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